Standard for safe and Simple payment

Perfect security

Protecting information through decentralization

Easy to use

Easy payment with one-time authentication

Independent platform

Operation using personal devices

Overseas remittance

Real-time exchange rate information reflected

Coin linkage

Integration of various coins

  • 사용방법 : 설치 및 접속
    Guide:01Payda Access
    1. Full Security
    2. Easy to Use
    3. Independent Platform
    4. Overseas Remittance
    5. Coin Link
    01. Install Payda
    You can download and install the mobile version from the appropriate store for your device, and access Paida through the web version on Windows.
  • 사용방법 : 간편계좌생성
    Guide:02Create ID
    1. Full Security
    2. Easy to Use
    3. Independent Platform
    4. Overseas Remittance
    5. Coin Link
    02. Simple Account Creation
    Instead of the conventional format generated automatically by the center, you create your own memorable account directly.
  • 사용방법 : 은행등록 및 계좌연동
    Guide:03Charge Account
    1. Full Security
    2. Easy to Use
    3. Independent Platform
    4. Overseas Remittance
    5. Coin Link
    03. "Account recharge" or "Account top-up"
    After registering with the bank and linking your account, you will recharge your Payda. You only need to register with the bank once, and when recharging, the funds will be withdrawn from the registered account.
  • 사용방법 : 결제 및 송금
    Guide:04Payment & remit
    1. Full Security
    2. Easy to Use
    3. Independent Platform
    4. Overseas Remittance
    5. Coin Link
    04. Payment and Remittance
    Transfers between Payda users are possible, and you can also transfer by linking the coins you hold.
    1. 세븐일레븐
    2. 베스킨라빈스
    3. 할리스커피
    4. 파리바게트
    5. 크리스피도넛
    6. 차케어스
    1. 세븐일레븐
    2. 베스킨라빈스
    3. 할리스커피
    4. 파리바게트
    5. 크리스피도넛
    6. 차케어스
    1. 롯데마트
    2. 신세계
    3. 뚜레주르
    4. 롯데리아
    5. 던킨킨도넛
    6. 이마트
    1. 롯데마트
    2. 신세계
    3. 뚜레주르
    4. 롯데리아
    5. 던킨킨도넛
    6. 이마트
    Criteria for simple
    payment PAYDA